Today I was reminded that it is ok to just sit sometimes...
As usual, on a Saturday, once I get out of bed when the boys wake up, the "GO" button is pressed and I don't sit...we start with diaper changes and breakfast, then KK usually stumbles into the room half-asleep, ready for breakfast...only to sit down and say she needs to potty, off to the bathroom and then back to breakfast, then Austin stirs awake and I hear his coos from his room and I go pick him up and we have another diaper change then a quick nursing, then onto the floor he goes to roll..and roll..and roll. By this time, breakfast is done, and it is time to clean up a boy at a time, wipe down trays, and rinse off dishes...then move onto Katelyn's tray and dishes.
Then the kids are running crazy...a few timeouts and "What is going on in there???" with tears and screams in the background. Then we play "clean up" (which is losing it's charm...darn it!) and move onto another activity such as coloring or book reading...then up I go to put up laundry, check the bank account, vacuum floor and then another diaper change....then before I know it, it is lunch, so back to the kitchen to put together 3 lunches and pull the chairs back out, and the bumbo to give Austin his "food" and then clean up time again...the time of 12:30pm was quickly approaching...which screams to me NAPTIME!!
And as I cleaned up the boys and started rushing everyone off to their rooms and singing "Yay! It's naptime....time to sleep to gain more energy so we can play more this afternoon!!!", the boys head to their room, I tuck Katelyn in and start hearing the screams and cries of one little boy named Austin. "What is that noise!?!" Honestly, I always sing his praises of being the easiest baby EVER....because honestly he smiles, plays, eats and sleeps. Usually, never a peep out of the kid except his sweet this was out of the ordinary.
So, my first reaction...honestly (and this is terrible) is irritated...I mean, I had plans to eat lunch, hang out in the quiet, watch old episodes of the web...and then I realized how selfish that all sounded...and I just sat on the floor and picked up my baby boy and rocked him and he looked at me with complete content and closed his eyes. It was a moment that not only he needed, but so did I.
I thanked God then and there for that reminder...that the day isn't always about to-do lists, laundry and bills. It is about compassion and love. Austin finally spoke up and said...Mom take a minute with me. It was wonderful and I just held him, which I feel like I rarely get a chance to do.
So needless to say, today when the kids to get up, I am going to take a moment with each of them to steal a kiss and a hug and just simply say I love you. A good lessoned learned for this Saturday!!
Have a great looks like the weather here is going to be great and we have plans to enjoy the great outdoors!!
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
5 weeks ago
i love moments like this!! sweet reminder of Gods love :) love you