Does not seem possible...look at you....
You are so precious...and laid back....
and you have a new friend...the rattle...this is your favorite toy...
Your are quite impressive you are already transfer the rattle from one hand to the next. You like to shake it...and you smile when I shake it. When you hold it, you usually just stare at it with such intent...trying to figure out just what this contraption is...very cute.
Another impressive thing this last month was that you have rolled from belly to back AND back to belly. You are super strong and have great head control. When I sit on the floor with you, I sit you up and you are finding your center. I bet you will be sitting up by yourself in the next month! Whoa! We will see what I report next month!
Another fun thing about turning 4 months old is that you get to try solids. Our pediatrician gives us this handy dandy piece of paper to outline the basics...
Obviously there is lots of info on there...immunization info, things to look for and then the good ol' food chart on how to introduce pediatrician's opionion of course. You would think after having 4 kids in three years...I would know this by heart...and I would EXCEPT they (as in bunch of doctors) have changed what I have always done...and instead of introducing cereal FIRST...they say to introduce it LAST...apparently this is a new thing to help curb obesity later in life due to number of sugar cells...ok...maybe I don't remember exactly what the pediatrician said but, hey, I am all for trying something new. So here is our lil' guy testing out the greens...
First didn't fight it with your the way...Katelyn is cracking me up...she was trying to show him how to open his month...such a good big sis LOL beans
Happy boy...he LOVED the spoon!
We made a mess and were lucky that Bryce was there to clean him up....Bryce is obsessed with wipes and cleaning right now...I am not complaining :)
All in all...a great day to turn 4 months old...
Here are the basic stats:
Height - 24 1/4 inches
Weight - 14 pounds 2 ounces
Sleep - like a champ...usually 8:30 pm until 5a-7a in the morning
Food - nursing still and now solids
Diapers - up to a size 2 now
Clothes - solid 3-6 months...acutally getting a little to small because you are long...growing like a weed!
and just for fun...
Miss Katelyn at 4 months old

Carter and Bryce at 4 months old

Austin at 4 his sister's bumbo (on a whim when I was pregnant...I just knew it was going to be a girl (we didn't find out) so I sold the boy colored therefore, Austin gets to use purple)

So fun! Good Night!
Gee... he's not a mini Kevin AT ALL is he?!?!?:)