Now, I get so caught up with the kids, part-time work and the hubs...weeks pass by without me realizing. Also, I have been guilty of being a lazy friend and keeping up with someone through their Facebook status or their photo albums they post. This is definitely not my intention. I have a great group of friends that I hold very dear to my heart...and tonight I was blessed to spend a great dinner with one of these very women.
Here are some pics of Ashley and I...

(at a Bachelorette Party)

(at MY Bachelorette Party)

(Girl's Night Out before kiddos)
I met Ashley...about 17 years ago...which does not even seem possible!! We cheered together in Junior High and were on the Pom squad together in High School. We used to just hang out at each other's houses and laugh and talk about boys, breakups and other random juvenile gossip. She is one of the kindest people I know...with a huge heart and a wonderful listener. We actually ended up going to the same college for a little while before she transferred because of her field of study.
So through the years we have been in and out of each other's life...but she has always remained close to my heart. She was in my wedding....we hosted each other's baby showers....and no matter how much time passes, we still can simply pick up the phone or sit down at dinner and laugh and talk with ease. I love this about our friendship. It is steadfast and true.
Now we both have 3 year old little girls and attempt to get together between crazy work schedules, kids schedules and sickness.
So tonight was a night for dinner with an old friend. It was one of those evenings that made me realize just how fortunate I am to have met Ashley and after all these years and remain friends. I know that Katelyn will meet many friends in and out of school and activities. Some of these friends she will change who she is to impress or "fit-in" because she will feel like she has too...and others she will realize that she can simply be herself and open up and find a friend for life.
I hope she finds out sooner than later that she is perfect by simply being her.
Happy Hump Day!
*** On a sidenote....Austin decided to roll from his back to his belly today!! So now...he will do this while in bed...and get mad LOL Goofy kid!!
Candace I will always love you! Even if we see and talk to each other once maybe twice a year since the golden years. I am fault for the whole facebook stalking and occasional emails. Love you!
Sara...I love you too and always will! You are definitely a steadfast friend that I know I could count on, no matter when the last time we saw each other!! I love our occassional e-mails :) Can't wait to see you at the end of the month!!!