Happy Monday...I realize it is the end of the day but it has been such a blur that this is the first time I have had time to sit at the computer for any amount of time...why you ask?? Well...it is Monday, which I have designated as "Laundry Day". I have previously said that I do not like laundry...despise it actually. But with a family of 6, it is a necessary evil. So I stayed in my pj's today...and so did the boys...I mean, why get anything else dirty?? :) So while I took care of loads and loads...and LOADS of this....

The kids took care of their own entertainment. First, the boys thought Austin's toy was WAY more fun if they attempted to wrestle in it than let their little brother play on it...

But Bryce made up for it with a little brotherly love...Austin ADORES his older brothers and sister...Bryce actually gives Austin
real kisses...for the rest of us he just gives us his forehead...

All was going well...and I was working through the laundry...even getting a little help now and then...
Oh Carter...my little helper! Well, then all went down for a nap and I had some quiet laundry time to myself...then after their nap...they came into the living room and, as always, were ready for a snack. Carter looked at me and asked, "Cracker?" and since I was in the middle of nursing Austin, I said yes and told him to go grab a package (my kids LOVE peanut butter crackers!) and off he went...but apparently mid-journey he changed his mind. He wanted cereal...but all I heard was a bag hitting the floor...and as I got up I found this...

Darn it...and it was
my cereal...so I gated them off from the disaster zone so I could clean it up...they were not to happy about this...

Mr. Innocent sat back...although I told him...next year, all 3 of them would probably be spilling cereal and creating havoc :)

So finally 5pm rolled around...and I continued to wash, dry, fold...repeat...and Katelyn decided her daddy needed a makeover...complete with Spongebob sunglasses. She even wrapped him with a "cape" so he wouldn't get hair on his neck. She is super thoughtful at pretend haircuts. Of course, she had to show him the finished product.

After his makeover, Katelyn had to get ready for her Masquerade Ball...and she asked if I could be her fairy godmother...well, of course :) You can never turn down this opportunity! I asked her what she wanted, and she told me she wanted me to "Bippity Bobbity Boo." Easy enough...with a little of this...and a little of that...my fairy princess was ready for the ball.

I am sure you are wondering, "Did she actually get
any laundry done??". Why yes...I did :) I even got all the hanging clothes hung up...except for those of the boys that were done after they went to bed. However, my dining room table that is hiding under stacks and stacks of clothes will probably remain laundry central for a few more days. I still have 7 loads of laundry left...WHOA! But I will take it....I had a great Monday with 4 crazy kids AND did laundry....not bad :) My accomplishment...

Sorry for the picture overload...I didn't realize I took so many pics today during laundry/play day :) Night, Night!
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