My precious boys...I remember being in the hospital and being SCARED out of my mind...two at once??? I didn't even know where to begin....but man, they were (are) so precious...even looking at this picture, it brings tears to my eyes....
Fast forward 21 months...and here we are today...

Little boys...that love to eat, laugh, wrestle, play, read books and frustrate one another....they are best of friends...and at times the worst of friends...they talk to each other every day when going down for a nap and are the last to tell each other good night before they drift off to sleep at night.
They love waking up in the morning and if one is up before the other, you can hear (usually Bryce) saying, oh, so quietley..."Carter!?!"...."CCCCaaaarrrtteeerr!!!" until brother wakes up...then they stand and bounce in their cribs and laugh at one another...

They have such a unique relationship....twins fascinate me. I love hearing stories when we pick them up from MDO about how they play with other kids but they always keep tabs on where each other are...and "check-in" with one another on occassion...as if to say, "Hey brother...I am still here".
As much as they are on their own level with one another in their own "Carter & Bryce" world...they are SUCH individuals...With Katelyn, our first, I would get the weekly e-mails telling me what kids a certain age are doing...and she always seem to be on track or ahead...and I will admit I always felt so good that she was so "normal"....with Carter and Bryce this went out the window...and I changed my idea of normal...they have always been on their OWN schedule.

My little Carter Man....he is our lover...he is full of hugs and kisses and is ready and willing to share. He talks with his eyes...because he is not much of a conventional talker. He is super easy going 90% of the time...he is however very rough when it comes to playing with his brother and sister...he hasn't quite mastered the "pat", his is more like a slap. We are working on this...and time out seems to part of his daily ritual...but I know it will get better. He is quite the little sports star...his favorite toys are balls and he loves to catch, roll and throw. He is still learning how to be graceful on his feet....he just started walking at 15 months old, so it is a process and he is getting much quicker...he has almost caught up to Bryce!
When we go places, he is definitely not the center of attention...he is much more quiet and reserved. He is coming out of his shell though. Last night when we dropped the kids off at Parent's Night Out...he forged ahead of Katelyn and Bryce and walked to his room...he was ready to play! Oh..and I must add in, when he gets excited and starts walking somewhere, his left arm starts swinging like crazy, but his right arm stays still. Cracks me up!
As I said, he is not much of a talker...he still uses some of his sign language and points but we are working on words everyday. He has a handful he uses but when it comes to understanding and listening, he is hands down the best of the two. He loves to help and clean up. He is great at puzzles and blocks. He loves to dance and sing. In a word...he is precious and makes my heart melt. He still adores his daddy more than anyone...

Brycers...aka "Momma's Boy"....totally and completely...I would be lying if I said I didn't love the fact when I walk in the room his world stops and he runs to me....I kinda think it is the best! He is such a guy on the go...he walked before Carter so he is much more graceful on his feet and instead of walking, pretty much runs everywhere. No matter where we are going, he wants to be part of the action. Whether it is church, Mother's Day out, the mall...where ever...he wants to walk in and start playing.
He is my monkey. He climbs, jumps (well, kinda jumps), slides and swings. He has no fear...which has lead to a shiner, lots of bumps and bruises...skinned knees and a few tears...but he is all boy. Well, until it comes to sister's hats and purses...he is a BIG fan of all things dress up :)
So...I never thought anyone could talk more than Katelyn but I am coming to find out that Bryce is going to be tough competition. I imagine the dinner table is going to be quiet the circus as they all get older and we sit down to talk about everyone's day. Bryce is SUPER animated and talks with his hands...just like his momma :) He jabbers all the time....I can just see the wheels in his head turning. He tries to tell stories and reads books...he can't sit still for more than 2 minutes for any toy...he just runs and runs!

They are both just complete joys...I am definitely more laid back this go round...not too mention, I have a 3 year old and a 4 month old that also take up time, so when it comes to play time, it is just that...play! Sometimes I stress myself out because I don't think they know enough songs, nursery rhymes....they can't recite the alphabet yet or count to ten. But they sure do try! And they are having fun learning...I do find myself comparing them to Katelyn...because she knew so much more at their age...as far as numbers, colors, shapes, etc...but then I realize she was my only focus then and having more than one means juggling my time with each of them. My mantra is "Don't feel guilty...don't feel guilty..." I am giving each of them time, love and a faith based foundation. Just like they are trying to learn...so am I.
The boys are becoming more independent each day....and every morning I look forward to seeing their sweet faces. But I am pretty sure I will always see them as my babies. Still can't believe they are 21 months old....

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