I will admit to everyone in the internet world that has stumbled upon my little blog that we do not bathe our kids every night....shocking, I know! I know this is a ritual for many bedtime routines, however, it is not for us. We have made it work that regardless of a bath or not...the kids go to bed at the same time, read books and lights out...the bath is just icing on the cake....a fun activity that they all look forward too....and the best way to make a good,clean mess :)
So here is how it goes....kids are sitting in high chairs finishing up their super healthy and home-cooked meal (ok...I might be pushing it) and Dad steps out of the room to start running the water. The kids of course hear this....and beginning laughing and screaming like hyennas. Dinner is over...
Clothes are stripped off in the living room and off the 3 oldest go to the bath...this is were the fun begins. After the first child...and the first few baths, once she was old enough to understand the fun that water + hands = splashing....we know that we walk in dry and walk out drenched.
Splish Splash they were taking a bath.....

So while all this craziness is going on...and I am listening to the giggles and splashes...I go into mission-mode. I clean up the high chairs...Check! Check! Check!
Lay Austin on the floor so he has some time to roll and stretch before the kids head back to take over the living room...and then off to everyone's room I go to gather all necessary items.

4 jammies, 3 diapers, panties, powder and lotion....CHECK!
Then I hear "Mom...ready!?!" ...and I answer "Ready!"
So, then one by one they are sent down the hall with their hooded towels and take a seat on the rug.

All photos have been cropped to remain G rated :)
Then one by one each is powdered, lotioned, diapered (panties for KK of course) and then jammies are put on. Then comes the grooming :) I dry Katelyn's hair but Carter is the one that truly enjoys the hairdryer.
A little hair drying....

A little hair fixing....

Pause for playtime....

and for Bryce to laugh at Carter...Bryce is not so fond of the hairdryer....

So...we finally have everyone dressed and ready...and off to bed they go. Of course we tuck Katelyn in about 20 times before she actually sleeps. But we are working on that.
Bathtime is fun...but a process! I am thankful to have Kev in my life to be such a huge help in all we do! It gets crazy sometimes...ok...ALL the time...but I wouldn"t change a thing.
I can't wait until this lil' Guy is old enough to take part in the splishing and splashing!

Good Night!
is you some pedobear?
ReplyDeleteyes I love little kids always looking for pics, vids or chat
Deletei got photos, whats your email
DeleteI want them all starting with the youngest
ReplyDeletemum could I come for dinner please so I can watch your girls getting naked, I will gladly bath them using my tongue to get the little p-ssy's nice and clean, I can get the little ones ready for bed and will need the lotion for the oldest ones bum
ReplyDelete2nd pic the girl has a lovely pu==y
ReplyDeleteyou forgot her mouth
ReplyDeletesex with kids is awesome, feeling their tiny bodies writh in passion as they cum mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
ReplyDeletethat little girl on the right looks good enough to eat.
ReplyDeleteany c-I-d pu--y is good to eat from birth
Deletegot sucked today, 3 months old