So this is what is keeping my family going right now...the only two people that are NOT sick....me and Austin...So, 3 sick kids AND a sick husband...and only a 4 month old on my side has been a little rough...
We have had thermometer readings of 100.4, 101.1, 102.9 and then a whopping 103.6!!!! My daughter was practically on fire last night...it was awful...and my little guys...well, they are not much better.
Headed to the pediatrician yesterday and we have 2 ear infections (Katelyn and Bryce)....and the one that we didn't think was that sick (as if we know what we are talking about) was actually the worst! Poor Carter...he didn't even have an appointment...but our doctor heard him cough and insisted on listening to his chest...and sure enough he is wheezing and has fluid in his chest. Great mom, huh? I was going to leave him at home with granny....glad I didn't!!!
Both boys got shots....OUCH! Also, doesn't make for a fun exit from the dr.'s office...talk about some stares :)
Then today, my biggest baby boy (Kev) headed to the doctor and he got two shots (or to quote the doctor, "We are going to give you two shots in the ass....if you still don't feel good tomorrow...you come back and see me, alright dude?"....true story).
So, got home from work today to a house full of cranky/clingy kids....but then a few hugs from mom and all was good :)
Boys went to bed great....Katelyn is piled up in mom and dad's bed, special treat for a sick princess :) and on the bright side....Austin found his feet tonight :)
I love being a caregiver, a hugger, a book reader, or in other words a mom...days like today make it all worthwhile.
So until next time...

Love the ending on this post!