She came into our family 5 1/2 years ago and has been such a blessing.
But let me backtrack....I have always had small dogs...mini dauchsunds, pugs and yorkies...and I have always been the type of person to LOVE puppies...and then lose interest when they become dogs...and the whole potty training thing I was bad at...I had never realized as a young girl the responsibility of a dog.
So when Kev and I moved into together and he approached me with the idea of a dog...and a BIG dog at that, I was quite apprehensive. So then he started to tell me about the sweetness of Goldendoodles and I began to do my research. From all that I found and read, they were easy going, smart, good with kids and they didn't shed (BONUS!!).
So, as a surprise, my mom and I headed up to Tulsa and we met a man that had Goldendoodles and I met Miss Sutton. She was precious...she looked like a big black cotton ball. We drove back to the city and surprised Kevin with his early wedding present and he couldn't have been happier. Come to find out, neither could I.
She has turned out to be the sweetest and smartest dog I have ever known. She is truly apart of the family. She potty trained quickly...which was SO NICE...and she fits right in. She is such an active dog and it works out that we live on an acre of land and have a small neighborhood where dogs can roam and make friends. We actually have another Sutton dog on our street.

She is an inside dog that cuddles on the couch with us and lets me and the kids use her as a pillow. The kids also use her as a toy...to sit on, try to ride on, kiss, pet...just about anything. Katelyn is a big girl and very responsible when it comes to Sutton. She lets her out in the morning (with our supervision of course) and lets her back in after she goes potty. She loves helping dad fill up Sutton's food and water bowl.
The boys think she is the greatest too...during the day when Sutton plays outside we open up the windows and the front door so they can look out the storm door...and everytime she passes by they both just yell her name and smile and giggle. So sweet!
However, I am pretty sure she has found a favorite though...

Her and Carter have bonded....although Sutton sleeps in our room most of the night...she always goes and checks in on the boys in their room, and I am sure that when the boys move out of their cribs...she will be cuddled up with Carter.
I love our 7th member of our family and I love the idea of my kiddos growing up with a dog. I often take her forgranted...but I am very thankful to have such a great friend that has stayed up with me when Kevin worked late when we first got married, who paced up and down the hall and sat with me on the couch to watch TV when pregnancy insomnia hit me with all three pregnancies, who laid down outside of Katelyn's room when she was a baby and whenever she made a peep would come to our room to let us know (we didn't even need a monitor!) and for a friend that is my "watch" dog that always makes me feel safe.
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