So I have never done a link party...but I saw this today and thought "why not?" So I am linking up to
Kelly's Korner.
So these are my sweet kiddos....
Carter, Austin, Katelyn and Bryce |
My sweet loves.....
Here is our story...the short version...
Met and fell in love with the hubs...2 years later we were married on May 20, 2006....Shortly thereafter we started talking kiddos...I had some female issues that gave us problems, so in December 2006 I was put on clomid and on my second round, I took my first positive pregnancy test....we were overjoyed with the idea of our first baby.
We welcomed our sweet daughter, Katelyn, on November 4, 2007.
Katelyn - 7lbs. 2oz 21 inches |
Man that girl is precious!! We had an amazing time learning the ropes of parenting with this sweet girl...we knew we wanted 2 kiddos for sure and loved the idea of having them close we approached my doctor again when Katelyn was around 6 months old on what the plan should be, not knowing how long or if we should be on medication again. Well...we held off a couple of months before going back on the clomid...and then the day before Katelyn's 1st Birthday I recieved a call from the doctor with results from bloodwork...and she told me to go buy a pregnancy test...sure enough I was pregnant!!!
Family of 3 |
We went in for an ultrasound to confirm and sure enough everything looked great...until 5 days later....some issues and severe morning sickness had me thinking something was wrong. We went in for a second ultrasound to make sure everything was growing correctly and found out that instead of just one baby...there were TWO!! We were in complete and total the kind where you don't even speak....just total is really funny to think back on. So I grew and grew and grew....seriously...
About to POP! |
So we welcomed two precious boys into this world and within 19 months of having children we went from 1 to we set out to figure out the way our little family would run.
Left: Carter Henry 5lbs 17.5in Right: Marion "Bryce" 6lbs 4oz 18in |
Family of 5 |
Then one night in February....I decided I had felt "sick" long enough....and I knew the jig was up...after putting my 2 year old to sleep and my 8 month old twins to bed after their end of night feeding...I took a deep breath and took two pregnancy tests...which were both positive :) I am not going to lie...I cried...I was totally scared and overwhelmed...fortunately for me, God gave me a man that put his arms around me that said with amazing confidence, "We can do this" and friends and family that were crazy supportive and a doctor that was the biggest cheerleader in the world.
(Photo by Chris Fox Photography) |
(Photo by Chris Fox Photography) |
So months later of more growing and growing :) we celebrated Katelyn's 3rd birthday as I waddled her to and from school and dance and birthday cake with my parents. I laid down on the couch ready for sleep...only to go into labor with my 4th child exactly 3 years after having my first child...and we brought to the world this sweet boy :)
Austin Ronald Guy - 7lbs 7oz 19 in |
Here we are today...a 4 year old, two 2 year olds and a 16 month old....we are kinda crazy all the time...but a good crazy. We love parks and games....helping mom cook and do laundry. The kids have an amazing MDO program and have really had fun interacting and making friends.
(Photo by Chris Fox Photography) |
More accurate shot :) (Photo by Chris Fox Photography) |
It has taken me awhile to get out and be comfortable with all of them at malls, Target, grocery store or even playdates outside of the home. It wasn't until just recently that I have just decided who cares what other people think....alot of negativity has surrounded me being seen with all the kiddos...I often get, "Are they all yours!?! Are you done!?! You know what causes that right!?!" from complete strangers with disgust on their face....or walking into restaurants and people giving the hostess the "Please don't sit them by me" has often been disheartening to me...hurtful...even to the point of not wanting to go anywhere...but I have now thrown that out the window. I am extremely blessed to have 4 healthy kiddos that have the ability to jump, run and play...they get excited and therefore loud at times...they get their feelings hurt and don't understand things...which results in tears sometimes...they are stubborn but man they have some serious perserverance....they are kind and just love getting out to see new faces and places. If you ever see me...I will sometimes look flustered...or catch me counting little heads...but I am always amazed that they were entrusted to me. They are my joy and they teach me so much everyday. They have such gentle moments of tenderness with me and even better....with each other. Their smiles can bring tears of joy to my eyes....
I often have a guilt in me about spending enough time with each...I try but I am not always successful. I am not good at big craft days....gourmet meals...and I never have a clean house and laundry is usually one or the other. A successful day to me sometimes just means we are all out of our pj's....and I am learning to be ok with that :) I had always wanted to be that "put together mom" with the great clothes, hair, car, etc....but honestly while our family grew our priorities husband left a job that was extremely demanding (well paying) and he found a job that he can be with us more...but the exception was to make it work financially I would go back to work part-time. Which I honestly love....but we certainly have our financial woes...lets just say a trip to, well anywhere, is out of the question for awhile :) Once we get three our of diapers....I think there is a chance LOL.
I never thought I would have four kiddos...2, maybe 3 tops....(my husband and I are both from families of 3 kiddos)...but now...I wouldn't have it any other way. Honestly...I still get baby fever...crazy, no? But I am happy with our crew and watching them grow. I am so thankful to God to have the honor to care for each one.