Thursday, March 24, 2011

The truth...the whole truth...and nothing but the truth

Well, since I am new to this blogging thing...I figured I would throw out some random and true facts about myself. A little, "get to know me better"...maybe I know you and you know these things...maybe you don't...or maybe you fell upon this post and have know idea who I am...but I figured it has been a long week and all I can come up with right now is my basic info...

  1. I am a follower of Christ
  2. My car is NEVER clean...ever...I could blame it on the kids but even before kids I was never one to keep the inside of my car organized. Sometimes it bugs me...but not enough to do something about it on a daily basis.
  3. My least favorite chore in the world is laundry....I don't mind washing or drying them...put hanging and folding and putting them away...YUCK!
  4. I kill all plants...cannot keep them alive....ever
  5. But I love the idea of having the yard landscaped....basically for me really expensive trash :)
  6. I watch ridiculous reality TV...alot...I usually DVR it and catch up during naptimes or after the kids go to really is a disgusting habit
  7. I LOVE vegetables...always mom always laughed and said when I was little I would be the only kid that would ask for brussel kids have not shared this quality with mom
  8. I am graying...but since my hair is so dark, they look more like silver highlights...ok...maybe there is only a strand here and there but they stick out SO BAD against my dark hair
  9. Motherhood has taught me so much...more than just about kids...but about limits...where my strengths are and my weaknesses are and I have found the ability to admit these to myself...
  10. Motherhood has also taught me that my body is more than a size or a has housed 4 has stretched and ached...and fed 4 amazing kids...I had know idea that I would be able to accomplish such an amazing thing...God willing...He is so good!
  11. I am a horrible saver...financially speaking...we went from a family of 2, to three years later being a family of 6....two incomes to one has been hard and a true learning experience...but we are starting the journey to become debt free

So that is me in a nutshell...there is a lot more of my wonderful 4 beautiful wonderful family...but I hope as I grow in this blogging world I can get it all down on the pages of the internet.

Have a wonderful evening....I must get to watching American Idol :)

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